Save Yourself

Are you waiting for Prince Charming or for someone to save you? Maybe you’re waiting until this happens, or next year, or once you do this, then you can have x, y, and z. Whether in your business or life I want you to feel empowered to save yourself!

Write it Down

If you want to get stronger, or lose weight, get more clients or make more money. You must help yourself. Whatever your goal is, write down exactly what it is the timeline and all, then work backward from there to determine the small steps you need to take today or every day to get there. No one is going to do it for you or show up on your doorstep with a giant cheque.

Does Manifesting Work?

I’ve read a lot of books on the power of manifesting, meditation and your thoughts become things, and I do believe that these are great for keeping your goals and dreams top of mind. They act as a way of checking in with yourself, but you still need to take action to achieve your goals. I’ve asked the Universe to show me signs and ways to get closer to my goals, and what I am hearing is “Save Yourself, Melissa!” You have to take the steps, you can’t just sit on your couch waiting for the magic, you have to show the Universe that you’re taking action, that you’re ready.

What can you do?

This is a great reminder to focus on things that you can control, what can you do today to get closer to your goals? Maybe 10 squats will get you closer to your strength goal, or reading once chapter a day will get you closer to reading more books a year. Ideas come from anywhere so be open and lean on your network. Talk about what your goals are and you’ll find that people will listen and make recommendations which may lead you down a path.

Want to chat about it?

-Yours in the Hustle-