
Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Are you trying to kick off your biz with positivity and determination but have a heavy heart? Perhaps you don’t feel your light and happy self. Maybe you got into an argument with a loved one, or ate too many chips last night and are feeling the guilt. Trust me when I say, every aspect of your life affects your business.

YOUR DREAMS: Interested or Committed?

YOUR DREAMS: Interested or Committed?

We are taking a look at your dreams and finding out if you are interested or committed to them. How important are they to you? Will you actually be able to achieve them if you are only interested? 

Meditation: Embrace the Power

Meditation: Embrace the Power

I incorporated Meditation into my routine for the past two weeks and am loving my new found Super Power!  Find out what I've learned and how to incorporate it into your life.

Opportunities: Where to Find Them

Opportunities: Where to Find Them

Are you looking for opportunities, but can’t seem to find them anywhere? You want to break free from your 9-5,  find a different job, or even have the opportunity to meet your idol,  but you don’t believe these possibilities are available to you? Learn where to find them!

The Universe Test: Why Your Flat Tire is a Good Sign

The Universe Test: Why Your Flat Tire is a Good Sign

When the universe tests you, don’t take it as a sign that you didn’t make the right decision, know that this test is to make you stronger in the decision you have made. Take it as a sign that you've made the right decision.