How to Sell on Social Media

How to Sell on Social Media

Are you struggling to engage your audience and sell your product or service online? Read on for my tips for selling successfully on social media. 

Follow Up & Change the World

Follow Up & Change the World

When it comes to the Hustle, we are always trying to gain exposure, attract more followers, get more likes and essentially sell more of our product or service. We want to be able to serve our ideal client and make a difference in our client's lives. Whether your selling a lip gloss leaving your client feeling fabulous all day long or teaching new moms the importance of nutrition, your impact effects not only your ideal client but the people around them as well. In order to get this world changing result, you need to follow up.

YOUR DREAMS: Interested or Committed?

YOUR DREAMS: Interested or Committed?

We are taking a look at your dreams and finding out if you are interested or committed to them. How important are they to you? Will you actually be able to achieve them if you are only interested? 

Ideal Client: Identify, Engage & Sell Them

Ideal Client: Identify, Engage & Sell Them

If you are trying to appeal to everyone, you will end up appealing to no one. Determining your Ideal Client is crucial. It will make or break your ability to engage and sell to them. Read on for some tips on how to find them, engage them and sell them.

THE SLUMP: How the hell did you get here? And how to get out!

THE SLUMP: How the hell did you get here? And how to get out!

Have you ever felt like you were in a slump?  You don’t feel like doing anything, you are going through the motions and you feel disengaged with your purpose. You don’t even feel like putting make-up on or wearing anything but your Lulu’s and a sports bra, if you even wear a bra at all. I hear you! Read on for me tips to getting back to your lovely self!

Meditation: Embrace the Power

Meditation: Embrace the Power

I incorporated Meditation into my routine for the past two weeks and am loving my new found Super Power!  Find out what I've learned and how to incorporate it into your life.

Opportunities: Where to Find Them

Opportunities: Where to Find Them

Are you looking for opportunities, but can’t seem to find them anywhere? You want to break free from your 9-5,  find a different job, or even have the opportunity to meet your idol,  but you don’t believe these possibilities are available to you? Learn where to find them!

Empire Building: Free yourself from the 9-5

Empire Building: Free yourself from the 9-5

Are you feeling stuck in your 9-5 job? Resenting everyday you have to go to work because you know you are living against what you are meant to be doing.  You are suppressing your you-ness. Let me tell you, the world needs all that is YOU! No holds barred. You aren’t stuck living the life you have. You have the power to change!

The Universe Test: Why Your Flat Tire is a Good Sign

The Universe Test: Why Your Flat Tire is a Good Sign

When the universe tests you, don’t take it as a sign that you didn’t make the right decision, know that this test is to make you stronger in the decision you have made. Take it as a sign that you've made the right decision.

Wake up at 5AM and Like it!

Wake up at 5AM and Like it!

Why waking up at 5:00am can allow you to be your strongest, most productive self. After all, you are steps ahead of those sleeping in. Find out how why I wake up so early and how to motivate yourself to do the same.