Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

Obviously, your health is most essential to do anything, but protecting your TIME is SOOOO important!! It’s so easy to get sucked into meeting after meeting, picking the kids up from school, groceries from the three different stores, car wash, gym, call Mom, call Gramma, make dinner, prep to do it all over again.  You get the idea. So how do you delete the dead weight to get back more time?

Sein Besser Als Gestern "Be Better than Yesterday"

Sein Besser Als Gestern "Be Better than Yesterday"

With a life commitment towards constant improvement, the German words "Sein Besser Als Gestern" sum up the goal of everything I do. It means "Be Better than Yesterday." Knowing this, it makes sense that I've read a ton of self-help books from business to spiritual to plain ol' money making tips. From all of them, I've found a consistent messaging ringing throughout. Read on to learn what the message is.

Timeliness + Professionalism

Timeliness + Professionalism

Can we take a minute and talk about timeliness & professionalism? Working as a professional for the past decade, I have a great appreciation and respect for both timeliness and professionalism You know me, I’m always preaching about setting expectations. All you have to do is set the expectation and meet expectation to make people happy. And, if you exceed it, they will be screaming your name from rooftops. It's rare in our society that people actually set meet or exceed expectations. How frustrating is that?! And, well, kind of embarrassing. It’s so simple and so overlooked.

Trusting the Process to grow your Empire

Trusting the Process to grow your Empire

As entrepreneurs we are always working to grow our empire, gain a bigger platform. I’m looking at a few incredible women and their paths to building their empires. Learning how to trust my own process along the way.

Get a Consistent Pay Check

Get a Consistent Pay Check

When you first begin selling your biz, yourself or a product, you’ll begin to notice the sale cycle. Some prospects seem to convert easily to sales and then others take months or years to convert. Why is this? And what can you do about it?

How I Became Vegan

How I Became Vegan

My personal journey into becoming vegan. Curious as to why I ditched the meat for good? Read on.

Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Are you trying to kick off your biz with positivity and determination but have a heavy heart? Perhaps you don’t feel your light and happy self. Maybe you got into an argument with a loved one, or ate too many chips last night and are feeling the guilt. Trust me when I say, every aspect of your life affects your business.

When to Leap from Employed to Boss

When to Leap from Employed to Boss

Are you having a panic attack at the thought of quitting your job? Most entrepreneurs go through the balancing act of trying to run their business while still milking the steady income from their current job. Giving up that paycheck is a big step, but how do you know you’re ready? What if you fail? What if you have to move back into your parent’s basement? Some of the millions of questions and concerns that circulate through your brain.So how do you know you’re ready? Like, really ready?