How I Became Vegan

How I Became Vegan

My personal journey into becoming vegan. Curious as to why I ditched the meat for good? Read on.

Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Is Your Routine Ruining Your Biz?

Are you trying to kick off your biz with positivity and determination but have a heavy heart? Perhaps you don’t feel your light and happy self. Maybe you got into an argument with a loved one, or ate too many chips last night and are feeling the guilt. Trust me when I say, every aspect of your life affects your business.

When to Leap from Employed to Boss

When to Leap from Employed to Boss

Are you having a panic attack at the thought of quitting your job? Most entrepreneurs go through the balancing act of trying to run their business while still milking the steady income from their current job. Giving up that paycheck is a big step, but how do you know you’re ready? What if you fail? What if you have to move back into your parent’s basement? Some of the millions of questions and concerns that circulate through your brain.So how do you know you’re ready? Like, really ready?

Do you see people as Human or Objects?

Do you see people as Human or Objects?

I’ve been thinking a lot about people, relationships and how we are all interconnected. Do you feel that sometimes you see people as objects?  And other times you see them as people with the same wants and desires as you? Guess which will make you richer?

Align Your Values

Align Your Values

Does your life align with your core values? Often we will find our core values are out of line in some aspect of our life. Whether in our relationships, work or the things we give our time and energy to.  This will leave you feeling drained, off and like something is missing. Here is a simple way to bring your awareness to your values and begin to align with them to get you back to feeling your focused self.

What I've Learned This Time Traveling Abroad

What I've Learned This Time Traveling Abroad

The following are some lessons I’ve learned on my trip/move to Europe. They may seem obvious, but I’ve never traveled with the intention of staying somewhere for a year, so I’m learning. Read on for what I’ve learned so far.

What's your Life Purpose?

What's your Life Purpose?

Living your life to your full potential means that you are living on purpose. You are doing what you love to do everyday. You are always aligned with this calling and working towards it. BUT, how do you know what your life purpose is?